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Showing posts from November, 2018

Chi di ndu

MUSIC PLUS CHI DI NDU Chi-din-du is a song of testimony aimed as an evangelistic tool to further promote the name and the potency of the power of our lord Jesus on earth.  The scriptures says that  _ the name of the Lord is a strong tower, the righteous run into it and are safe _  and that  _ at the mention of the name of Jesus, every knee must bow and tongues confess that Jesus is Lord. _   These spiritual truths have produced facts  overtime and ate the basis for this song. Hence, Chi-din-du  is a proclamation of God’s power and love for man, that assures the entire human race  that he (God ) is alive and  not dead, he lives in us and we in him. T he sound also further established his supremacy and Lordship over all. The inspiration came to the song writer as  a result of hurdles, trial and temptations people are passing through and what our land  and territory is going through, and people are ...

Holy of HOLIES

MUSIC XTRA          HOLY OF HOLIES This song holy of holies will take you to the most holy place of Elohim. Are you hungry and  desperate for God? you need a reality that will take you deeper to that realm in God where your entire mortality will be swallowed by divinity. the veil in the temple was torn from top to bottom, signifying that the barrier between God and his people was taken away. For many Christians who really do not know their authorities as a believer, this song holy of holies will tear down the veil and make you access his throne. Gospel G is a trained musicologist with keen passion in writing songs that tells of GOD's love and his goodness. he is the visioneer of a ministry called to build worshipers  and rebuilding the altars of God. he is born to a family of Six (6) he is single yet making exploits for our lord Jesus Christ Holy of Holies is produced by the ever dynamic and fasted growing producer hezekiah ...