By Roy Ofili
Inevitably, the wall stood firm.
Arrow after arrow fired against it, fire and brimstone and jagged rocks.
But inevitably, the wall stood firm.
The great and powerful general stood aghast. He couldn’t understand it and neither could his troops. They had used every weapon in their armory,every evil contraption devised by fetid minds. the air was rent with fire and sulphur.
But,somehow, the wall stood firm.
Again he raised the battle cry. Again his army charged,running across the smoking fields towards that impenetrable city, wielding sticks and stones and ragged swords. Cursing, swearing and snarling, they stumbled over the bodies of their exhausted colleagues, intent on blood lust. As they got closer, the general thought he heard the sound of melodious song! He came suddenly to a halt as his horde charged forward, watched them crash helplessly against the wall,watched as they fell back without leaving a dent.
The wall remained firm.
Arrow after arrow fired against it, fire and brimstone and jagged rocks.
But inevitably, the wall stood firm.
The great and powerful general stood aghast. He couldn’t understand it and neither could his troops. They had used every weapon in their armory,every evil contraption devised by fetid minds. the air was rent with fire and sulphur.
But,somehow, the wall stood firm.
Again he raised the battle cry. Again his army charged,running across the smoking fields towards that impenetrable city, wielding sticks and stones and ragged swords. Cursing, swearing and snarling, they stumbled over the bodies of their exhausted colleagues, intent on blood lust. As they got closer, the general thought he heard the sound of melodious song! He came suddenly to a halt as his horde charged forward, watched them crash helplessly against the wall,watched as they fell back without leaving a dent.
The wall remained firm.

And now he could hear the music clearly. It was a joyous sound, rapturous, cleansing, prevailing upon the spirit. Musical instruments of all kinds lending their voices to that of the people to create a melody unlike any other. They were singing in there! Jubilating, apparently oblivious to the clamour and chaos outside their city gates.
A boy suddenly was beside him. He wore white robes which seemed to emanate a light of its own, and a slim golden crown adorned with precious stones fitted perfectly on his head. Golden sandals housed his feet which were planted firmly on the ground. The boy’s face radiated a profound kindness but firmness. As the boy moved to touch his wrist, the general felt a great,overwhelming fear.A moment passed and the general looked into the boy’s clear brown eyes.
“RETREAT!”He called out.
The horde followed their leader across the sands, back to the pits from whence they came. One of the minions came beside the general and asked why the wall would not fall, why the little boy eschewed so much authority.
He sighed deeply and replied.
“The LORD fights for them.”