By Ola Vincent Omotade
They’re the destroyers of destinies
The great killers of noble dreams
Snatcher of bright futures
Haters of good and virtues
Enemies of our country’s peace
They condemn the innocent
And free the guilty
They feast on the blood of the innocents
And celebrate the presence of anarchy
For that is when they make their gains
They are the looters of our nation’s fortunes
The Hitlers of our own time
Sponsors of destructive campaigns
Answers to the evil mysteries bedeviling us
They are the reasons for the bad seasons
But those are the freest of this society
Citizens above our country’s laws
To them we pay greatest homage
They occupy the highest positions
And there manipulate the masses’ opinions
Because they feed on the flesh and blood of the innocent
These shall turn to bitter poison in their stomachs
Mother earth shall deny them rest on their death day
She shall demand from them
The souls of her children killed in darkness of politics
They shall live long enough
To pluck the fruits of their wickedness
The shame of guilty conscience
Shall fold up the remains of their existence
Disgrace shall grace their wrinkled faces