I told them that I loved you because my eyes have already said so,
And I didn't want to be like a house devided against itself.
Amongst truth there is a hierarchy and I had wanted the beginning to start first.
So I had to tell them the whole truth.
I have told them how we met and how your eyes took mine water skating among those tall waterbirds.
How we started building our rainbow after we agreed that seven colours will not be enough.
I had told them I knew you when time stopped to ask why the sun smiles.
It was that day the universe lost a planet to hoodlums
and I recommended you.
I have asked them if I can keep you since I have been waiting for the clouds to settle so I can write your name.
And spend my life watching your gentle breathing as you puff on the cigarette of life.
And how colours are only fully expressed when you are around.
For it seems that the only purpose of the earth is to help you fulfil purpose,
like a diamond reflecting stars from a bowl of silver water.
I had told them I loved you that very day Life shot you like a bullet into my heart.
When I learnt that there's nothing I could do about it,
Since you are one problem I don't want to be solved,
For If you are taken away, life will file for bankruptcy.
Since it's for you that the earth replenish her supply of oxygen.
© Samson Abanni