By Jeremiah JOSHUA
Deep darkness invades the mind, as thoughts of evil walks its hall way, giving impulses of feelings, lustful ones claiming to give peace.
Strong and strange desires craving for what looks like the unknown.
giving suggestions to the faculty on how to deplete and decrease our spiritual GP of righteousness.
giving suggestions to the faculty on how to deplete and decrease our spiritual GP of righteousness.
Trying to do good was the intent, but seeing a rival in our senses.
haven't clearly seen and read this lines from the book that gives wisdom that this courses are not to be taken in this great citadel, the MIND.
haven't clearly seen and read this lines from the book that gives wisdom that this courses are not to be taken in this great citadel, the MIND.
But consciously and unconsciously we see them sneaking and stripping into our classroom to be masticated and acted upon.
Slowly breaking down our tower piece by piece and leaving the faculty in ruins and not in peace .
The infallible and irrefutable words we have once read from the book of wisdom is all we have left to stand against and battle this evil encroaching the terrains of our faculty.
To yield to the great persona called the comforter, the book of wisdom is what we have as a sure proof to stand and fight in the act called prayers and intercession .
And recover the broken throttle that allows leakage of fleshly vibes.
And recover the broken throttle that allows leakage of fleshly vibes.
Rend our heart, refurbish our delaputated mind and invade it with your beaming light upon the corridors of our faculty, THE MIND.