By Ola Vincent omotade
What power do they have to watch?
They kept srinkling sweats from their skinny porches
Burning all their souls like white candles
So that others might live sweet and fine.
Never living the life of self, they are selfless
Living the lives of others, sometimes endless
Yet communing on hills and mountains
Never considering venoms from mosquitoes and snakes
Groaning with hearts crying for lives,
Waiting to see change caused on them
So, intercessors don't have time for themselves
Cos they spend every of their days interceeding for others.
So to you (intercessors)
To you gallant soldiers of Christ,
You who give your lives so others may live
Who stay awake that others may sleep
You who guard that others may be safe but yourself, youre immuned from demonic forces.
You who protect the innocents of the earth
Who do your work in honesty and in great commitment
You who are called upon in times of trouble
You who break forces of evil
And fight for the cause of justice
You who work under rain and sun
Who leave your families and friends behind
And wander afar to restore order to humanity
You who spill your blood in selfless service
You whose services cannot and will never be quantified
A million thanks for all you do
May the owner of human lives
Protect you own lives
And stay awake when you sleep
And guard you to safety when in danger
And make you pure and innocent of heart
And reward your honest commitments
And save you in times of troubles
And shield you from the fangs of evil
And shade you in harmful conditions
And bring you safely back from all your travels
And gift you with length of days
That you may eat of the tree of your labour