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By Ola Vincent Omotade

I cannot afford to fling a laugh...
As I look grotesque at your sweet smile,
which is nothing but the colour of radiant petals,
Your eyebrow, a map to cities sleeping in silence,

The white of your eyes like pure crystals
The glittering of your teeth describes whitened keys of a customized piano

The plain of your flawless OYO skin and smiles,
leaves me to say that  you're relentlessly gorgeous.

I know you're very pretty and widely admired just like an embellished Italian artworks,it gets into my head that you've turned me into a song-writer because of my unexplainables..

Your whiteness lightens the universe and having you makes me feel I have the world beyond my know what it means? it means I am threading, brooding over every darkness cos your teeth is causing light to shine from darkness..

I will sing softly of your lustre, ministering to your soul with my gentle acoustic strings cos you're very pretty, and your laughter is the music of many waters, the melody of silent brooks.

So I keep singing like the ancient anglican choir of the name..

Like flocks of weaverbirds on an ancient mahogany tree..
I unbosom my heart only by looking into the tip of your parted lips, which makes me believe you're pretty just the way a painting is.

The death that will kill a hunter lives in the quiver..
The one that will kill a farmer is hiding in ridges
The one that will kill me is hiding in your intentions.

As you lay on your pillow,
know your love is measured in tons
And never in kilo
Your cheek comely with jewelic rows belonging to classic gold, beautiful as the sapphire bundled like clusters of camp hire.


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