By Ola Vincent Omotade
@35th wedding anniversary
When our worlds collided,
it was just a matter of time.
Prettification outshines our feelings
Our story began today,
many years ago
The harmony in the symphony,
An entity to my pathetic colony.
We've been through thick and thin,
In malignant dispositions we both spinned.
Though it's been a tale,
A tale of gloom and bloom,
de dicto of rusts and roses
Flooey in your flowery gloominess.
My treasure!
The only sweetness that gives me pleasure
Your heart is my home,
and my home is your rest.
We both changed our bleak stories,
All to a glittering sunshine over the night,
We are vambrased in love lorries
Throwing up our emotions to sights
I love your now and then
Will never stop here and there
We've both plighted the life journey..
A journey to forever be on earth..
Thank you for saying YES!