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Showing posts from December, 2017


Photo credits By  Ruqqayah  I thought I  was better dead, so much frustration runs in my head. Comfort became so rare, thoughts of termination came near. I gave quitting a thought, when given up came forth. Needed someone to cheer me up For it was hard to get up. Now the sun is set, My life is embracing death. 'Cause suicide is best Or what is next? My voice trembled at farewell. I grieved as I found a hope in rope. At the last breath I realized, suicide is cowardice 'Cause life is a dice. Just this thought and am back to my feet. To face the realities of life, for its not over until its over.


Photo credits: By  Ajey Pai K (A sister and a friend) Born in this world, blessed are those: Who with family and love; I suppose. Born in this world, blessed are those: Who live with friends and die very old. Blood defines family; blessed are those: Who belong to a branch of an old tree oak. Love defines friendship; blessed are those: Who aren't family but matter the most. Born in this world; we come alone. We live with people and then die alone. Born in this world; blessed are those, Who realize we're orphans or I suppose.


Photo credits :ALISHA (romantic genre) By Ola Vincent de Burtons The sun took a gentle mirage at the little bright sky opting out from heaven above, as croo croo the train moves over his lanes  I saw birds, making sweet sounds and sensations. I saw the star blink blue black conscientiously and the dew was just as cold as anything, The weather dabbled in a glow. And slippery through my heart is her gentle smile putting off my green shining hart. How this dazzling fairly beautified angel, made me sad and happy concomitantly and protractedly. And even as tears flooded my eyes, the day I realized I might not set my glistening eye on her foreuhead anylonger, I taught of an expensive diamond swiming off my way. I sobbed like a baby as I walk down the street, hoping in distress, filled with great thoughts that my boldness was never seen. I wonder of a girl whose beauty is so amazing, whose characteristics is bright and warm who can feel the pore of mothers and who ind...


By Ola Vincent Omotade Once we were shadow to the rain Wonders perched in our eye interior I guess I got a painting for every song sung wrong You'd say its what's done with the night You'd say time is a panorama of itself So somehow, I plead hard to get this from me And this halts the nightly squander in the cozy of an adulterer, Meddling as been middle stroked with fingers Country lassie! here stands chemistry standing before you in suave Italian shoes Here stands In the mist of himself With smiling lips and a bouquet of tulips. Silver mirror for graceful silhouettes,


By Ola Vincent omotade Last fortnight, I saw a kid stretch his palm in the open of a play field I saw him twitch his youthful face in façade of direness I saw him muster words in plea for pongilá Heavens fell when his wish was granted How his face shone with brightness of ecstasy As a wrap of pongila landed in his palms The softness of his heart The beauty of his playfulness How he runs helter skelter in freelance and high spiritedness He bothers not about the morrow What he will eat or drink For mother has all in stock for him Tomorrow, I will rise like other days burdened with hustle of a future in making With the tussle of a rigid life for providence I will rise with the thought of sponsors With the hope of parents who daily long for a better tomorrow. I shall rise as always But not in the cozy of corns and cornflakes No longer with years sans of responsibility No longer I reach to a picture hung on the wall of my room I see my self young and ca...


Photo credits : By Ola Vincent omotade The feeling that enveloped my heart The veryday I first saw you  It was a warming sensation  It began from the dark part of my brain Slowly down to the sole of my feet  Like a mass of melted fat  Soaking a loaf of moist bread So deep that I felt it reverberating  Within my being, pounding  Like the sonorous beat of the ogene  Sounding high, yet almost inaudible  Millions of happy butterflies swam my belly  It was like the earth stopped spinning  An elated moment of ecstatic rumbling  Yet, vain hope lavished my feeling  For it flew away quicker than it came  And left the hearth of my heart  In chilling embers of dust and ash  And so the hottest flame of love  Turned out to have the coldest of ash It was no more than mere infatuation


By Ola Vincent Omotade Pathways,streams and colourful rivers all change, Sunny lamps cast lights of these changes. And when the change strikes our life rhythm, The rhythm of the sky makes the rain of the change. Am crazily concerned with your beauty-face OK, like I don't care if all on you is lace Am affected by your affections, admitted, All a loving clinic am dying, I have to be operated. But before I get operated by the LOVE DOCTOR,  see what I have to say: I love you by  all that are  and that were I love you like moon and the twinkling star I love you  by all that are near and far I love you  by all that were and ere I love you in sweetness of pain I love you in bitterness of gain I love you in heat and in drenching rain I love you in all weather just the same I love you  in every face I see I love you  from the land to the sea I love you in every song I hear I love you in all things that are dear I love you i...


Photo credits :  ITODO MARYNET By Ola Vincent Omotade Loving but not loved in returns the pain brings unquenchable Tears of the sun! drying on my roof, With distinct tremor and daydreams Lily mule bringing ice cream to the sun, All trying to stop the blood from it eyes. Sweetly distill feeble as frail in the rain Pavilioned with Splendid splendor water up soaking my pillow. As you lay on your pillow, know our love is measured in tons And never in kilo Your Cheek comely with jewelic rows Belonging to classed gold. Beautiful as the sapphire Bundled like clusters of camp hire. Who is gonna clean the tears if the SUN?


By Ola Vincent Omotade She shouted at me  '' just walk away '' You made my past miserable, you're meant to be forgotten. I tried  to walk gently out of her sight. she then 'whispers'  I hate you ,cheater, devil  she said. Then i knelt down and from my sour mouth,I said "Could me and you with fates conspire,to break this sorry scheme of a thing entire. Cos my glances nowadays are now in glimpse. She looked  at me and replied i give you just five minutes. Then i knew i had to do more of poetry and not planning. So i started this way Clouds and Darkness were round about me. Just like the first time i saw your face. And After your lightning enlightened my world, there was a great race in my heart. The way my heart beats radically still wont Change. so I wept bitterly upon the mountains and upon the Hills and it seems someone is taking me away.. Waters cannot quench our love neither can flood drown it....wait Just mention, e...


DECEMBER TO REMEMBER: AFRICA’S BIGGEST PARTY FOR ORPHANS The orphanage outreach programme is called December to Remember. It will be Africa’s biggest party for orphans; as we donate 1 month of food supplies, clothes, toiletries & stationaries in addition to free medical outreach, inspirational talk, games, music and more on  30th of December, 2017. December to Remember is a coalition of volunteers passionate  about  making the yuletide season a ‘December to Remember’ for orphans in our community. We mobilize resources from kind-hearted donors and donate gift items such as food, provision, clothes and more (as requested by the orphanages). Our motto : Give a gift. Touch a life. Make a difference. In  December 2016 , nearly  300 orphans  were reached across 6 States ( Oyo, Ogun, Ondo, Lagos, Osun, and Calabar ) in Nigeria. Why December to Remember? Ruth is a 10-year-old with battered shoes, a hunger-stricken...


By Ola Vincent Omotade With massive splendor and vitality, Rocks and caves nearby, Noise and smokes, standby with Undulating and luxuriant hills Rain falling as if the roof is gonna remove today Dust of air hastened and unrest wind Curtains of quietness descending on residential quarters The day breaks not with sound of birds But the day breaks with Allahu'akbar Islamic prayer call And the street cry of hawkers cacophony of car horn and rattle of vehicular traffic And when it rains it rains heavily The heaven seems opened A thunderstorm sounding like a shout of the sons of God The sunset fadeth yellowish in the west And rain drop in rows instilling in us fervent fear. Bringing multitude through vissctude Minna how beautiful are you among the cities of the Niger The beauty of your rhythm sound like celestial hymns A king kong in high place s Your glory lives tireless traces Business areas filling spaces fascinating, scrambled, Congested and Crowded out...


By Ola Vincent Omotade With shades of NAKEDNESS you took love and brought lust, wickedness This reflection left no impression Yet the keep increasing our Libido. With thier jezebelic kind of attire's, Flaunting thier deadly shapes and curves But forgot there is a need for Modesty. With thier useless shapes, they look like apes, they all shouted we have CLEAN HEARTS Forgetting actions shall be judge accordingly, to intentions and retentions Though they have passport to quickly fame They might end up in shame. Modesty, embodies higher qualities. Stay stray never yielding, because your spirit knows dismay In more carapaces of gossip Those once who dress modestly are more than amassing river of wealth. They expand our minds, Like petal of an hibiscus flower. i sucked eagerly the light of knowledge All i refused to learn from college  DRESS MODESTLY..


. a poem by  Ola Vincent Omotade STANZA 1 CUTLASS AND HOE: Our weapons 'gainst piercing claws Of frequent famine, Our saviour from the serrated jaws Of hunger's tyrant ruling, Our source of satisfaction, Gotten from first generation, Our fathers' second wife, Our total way of life, Our belongings and worth, Defensive attorney 'gainst alimentary wrath, Cutlass and hoe, our winning weapons, Now abandoned in the infernal mouths of dragons, For reliance on an underground ephemeral liquid, On which, for decade, we can't feed. What happens when our weapons are lost? We mourn at our grumbling stomachs' cost. We look beyond the border, Ordering for food to quell our hunger, But I say it is never too late, If we have our weapons' open hands embraced. STANZA 2 From the horizon to the hefty height, I perceive the scent of an approaching light, Over-depending on a transparently thin liquid, Mined from below, gushing as rapid rabi...


By Ola vincent Omotade "A tragedian's view" The atmosphere became closed and stuffy. The sky of FUTMX became dull and leaden. Drift of clouds in the upper air rushed about helter-skelter Just the way his body was carried from the 24players football pitch, to the treatment bay and then eternal stay. His soul wagering, ready to leave The Niger. His spirit ready to cause Violence because he needed to go. I perceive the burning of mattresses, trooping of soldiers to our girls hostel was trespasses. Oh! right niggas He died doing what he likes doing best He was an hero..A display of an heroic. Yet in futmx were reflective moments, We wanted Victories of peace outta We became more ALUTA. Protest are like flashes of lightning, dazzling,blindi ng,Brilliant but momentary, It often leaves a trail of death and Destruction. Go home for 2weeks, hay it may last for a month, They said. Then we felt the radiance of the sun and the tender glow of th...


By Ola Vincent Omotade With your sad sacred face, you're deadly, feared by death himself. Despite all, great minds resides in you oh KOGI ! You left people to self-starvation  and slaughter's Your bamboo keep bamboozing fire, Your took labourers to the hill, calling it screening, Punishing them with their wages & Salaries Squandering billion of papers called naira's Please have pity oh ye confluence, You know they are MEKUNU'S AND TALAKALWA'S Even though they were employed by Balewa Vigilanced and sieged by POVERTY. Though our differences in opinions ended in blows, Differences in vision and our brows in tears , Lord do come to our help Because We are stolid through sheer helplessness. All We wish is you stand strong and stiffed Face your fear, get great Cheer's Then you can become the Riches confluence. ALL FOR BETTER KOGI STATE


By Lanre Badmus Several failed promises. Still, I wish you bountiful bliss. Though you cause me pains, loyalty lives in my veins. With you, I'm always on a date. Loving you is my apparent fate. You treat me without conscience.  I still care with all vehemence.  Love without an end; your name I'll always defend. Your thoughts often on my mind; no love will be left behind.  You're obsessed with the obscene... I'll still treat you like a queen.  I will pocket my pride and treat you like my bride. You've brought me shame. I love you all the same. Forever, you are my country.  A choice vehemently voluntary


By Lanre Badmus A presence perfectly proud. Your beauty silences the crowd. Woman with an amiable aura... intimidating, even in diaspora.  Eyes like the rainbow; Charm freely flows. Steps armed with grace... you fill every space. A woman really different.  Elegance so fluent. The confidence of a scar; you're as visible as the stars. An indomitable illumination.  You subject others to palpitations.  You are of a unique kind; another, I will never find. An independent woman... the taste of every man. The beauty of a soul. I'm stuck on you like a mole.


By Ola Vincent Omotade You are a spiced fragrance, sweet smelling in all areas in your absence, i taste honey, sweetness when you're here, there's joy unspeakable yet stillness "I love You" are the words I hear from the bubbles of my inside the humming of the wind tries to fix this same puzzle your speech is redness; as tender as a mama's cuddle how beautifully you glow when you smile oh kiss me.  Kiss me with the kisses of your mouth for I merry in your love more than wine. You're fairer than the moon surely, your eyes take me beyond the blues. So can you think of me? can I still stay with you? since you said nothing kept you The road back seemed more gloomy, I am worried to let you go by yourself I think it was because , I was not gentle enough I could not share your sorrow if it is hard to say it out, Then just leave the regret in my heart. it's unpredictable, things can change every minute, But my love for...


By Ola Vincent Omotade My eyes clouded with tears, it started to drip out of my eyes, rolling through my cheek, then some resting on my lips.. Observable  like thunder and lightning. All i meant was love. So when the heavens parted  her gentle smile lasted on the planetary bodies, So while the filaments lasted her stars kept shinning my world. But one day, all this Rossy words will, will stop. I mean no more poetry And shut closed will be the mouth, mouth of the poet always opened. So I ask, why do love exist? why do we love those who don't love us? and why do our heart pants for people who see us like shadows and sunset of an intricate star. But yet we kept pursuing them to moon. One day Love will live, and truly we'll be found in her hands, whose hand? her hands the one who will give us her thoughts, who will give us her heart who will truly believe we loved her before she loved her love loved into Loving us. Closet sobbers laughed at me, mess ...


By Komolafe Samuel The world is a lot of place And we sing of a mortality that is not ours. Ekun! We sing of a county in which we're aliens A foreign people, Strangers. We are the long and dusty road to a lost place The secret dialogue on a rusty trip I am tears downing from the sullen eye of gods An elegy risen in the night Daily, we speak of a long silence Of how we can't traipse the map of our fathers Of why we can't motion into death's tunnel like everyone. For a voice said "the day you eat of this fruit, that day you shall die" Of how we can't live like our mothers. I speak of why I can't die from where I came from. Why I am not human like others. Why I died before I lived I speak of nothing, just the silence of myself And painful things that words cannot decribe.


By Komolafe Samuel Space is nothing. It is an empty expanse. An emptiness without obstacle. I spoke to a very charming girl tonight And when I got done, I felt like I was floating in space. Myself and my thoughts too. And in the depth of the pouring darkness, In that sky bereft of gravity. I stretched out my hands to grasp the volume of something, but there was nothing. It was just space, imagination and the geometry of space. Dear Lola, say me well to yourself. You were the countenance of an angel. The iridescence of a county goddess. And in the gulp of this deep, there's just me, Inversion, Inertia, And you.


By Yakubu  Emmanuella Love's like red wine, the older the better and stronger. The older the more intoxicating. The deeper the purer Passion is to it a refiner's fire (or fire that refines) Zeal is it's ability to do the impossible (for by the zeal of God was the fulfilment of His oath of love; His covenant of love to His own, the betrothal of His dear Son) Love, the glue of two becoming (or made) one The pen that sharpens the curves The voice that calms the storms The rhythm for their songs The sound of pain and joy Love, who knew? Forever new Supernatural beyond the blues It's words few but always true No wonder God cannot lie 8:58pm


By Yakubu Emmanuella 29-11-2017 This is as the despair of a man in a pool of fluid entreating for oxygen. Peace… why struggle, why breathe out when there’s nothing to breathe in? I will only die but live again when my lover steps in He went away to bring me my royal cloak, exquisite Carefully decorated, garnished with many colors, colors of love and life (I am the) Pride of nature, the sky, the moon and all galaxy Fly away but return for I will wait I’ll breathe just when I hear the song of your feet, And see the glory of your presence The sweetness of your silence That refreshing when you’re here Speak of me among the princes They’ll sure be bewildered by the excellency of your perfection when they behold me For I am the glory of (all) your creation I speak of your love, ability, and beauty I am an epitome of your proficiency The expression of your zeal and passion It is that which runs through my veins It gives life and courage to this fragile branch W...