As we gather to prepare for the Sun's birthday, and readings from its personal memoir. I must sent this memo to it's mother, life's mentor. Earth's mayor, Junior and his father the eternal vicar. Life's alumnus, one out of one. As we prepare to shock surprise and drown the ocean, we have written the weather for the rehearsals at Jupiter. Miracles will be wearing white, since they will be ushers, and they have all been informed. The posters are already on display on ocean's streets. soon mars will follow. For we have planned this as a surprise,even to us the planners. And because up there accidents do not happen, we only need faith and not funders. As we gather to prepare for the Sun's birthday, we write to you the lone scientist, the compass of change, the sole signatory of earth's warranty and the hedge fund for fruit flies. The inspector of the mines: earth, Mars and others. We have spoken to words and they said they have heard....